To improve the site we're looking for a third person to help us out. Generally to write match reports but if you want to just report on the latest news and air your views we'll be more than happy to hear from you. If you want to be a journlist or enter a proffesion of that caliaber here's a great place to start and show off your work. Unfortunatley we can't offer pay, because we get no pay for the site, however there may be plans in the future for that.
Don't know your HTML? Don't worry as there isn't any need, it's all done through a online back office which means writing a story is just like writing in WordPad, no fuss. If you do know HTML then all the better. If you're intrested and would be commited to the job of helping run the (best) Unofficial Crewe Alex site on the net then e-mail us by either e-mailing or click here and fill out this form.